Successful serial entrepreneur reveals his contrarian formula that…

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Your Sunday sermon…

Oh ye heathen brethren and sistren. (Or is it “cistern”? My spell check is freaking out on this one.)

Ye faileth to riseth in the dawneth of the morningeth to attend ye a gathering in a place of worship.

Honestly, I can’t blame you.

Most of the churches I’ve attended are a toxic cesspool of pious condemnation, negativity and poverty programming.

But that’s just been MY experience.

Maybe (hopefully) yours is different.

Anyhoo… I normally don’t send an email on Sundays.

But if you’re like me and you elected not go to a place of worship this morning, here’s a non-pious spiritual message without the condemnation, negativity and poverty programming.

Regardless of which spiritual discipline to which you ascribe (unless it’s one of the TOTALLY bat shit crazy ones)…

…you were never promised that the skies would always be blue and your pathway would always be flower strewn with nary a bump nor obstacle.

(If anybody ever DOES promise you that, run the opposite direction. They’re a liar and a deceiver. And probably out to take your money, your mind or your soul. Or all three.)

You were never promised sun without rain.

Joy without sorrow.

Peace without pain.

Quite the contrary.

You were promised strength for the day.

Rest from your labor.

Light on your way.

Grace for the trial.

Help… usually from the most unexpected of places.

And unfailing love…

…which may also come from the most unexpected of places.

And people.

Like a foul-mouthed ex-street cop who really isn’t as tough as he seems.

When times are difficult, rest in that.




P.S. My trademark sign-off seems ESPECIALLY appropriate after today’s message:

Pax vobiscum.


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Successful serial entrepreneur reveals his contrarian formula that…

Creates A RUSH Of New Customers… Builds Your Business FASTER… And Brings In The HIGHEST Possible Profits!

  • NO complicated marketing campaigns…
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