Doberman Dan (00:00): If I had to put a title to this video, I think I’d call it How Your Nervous System Can Bring You Anything you Desire. And what I’m going to read from today is a little over a year ago, I started doing this thing that I affectionately call the Doberman Dan-a-Gram, [...]
Doberman Dan (00:00): In this video, I’m going to share three lessons that should, number one, help you feel better, and number two, help you make more money. So let’s get right into it. I think I would call this segment, don’t be a dumb ass like Doberman Dan. Here’s what I’m talking about. The [...]
Speaker 1 (00:01): Hi, I am Doberman Dan, and if you want to know what I’m doing, this would be what we call ready, fire, aim, right? Sometimes you just need to do something. So I’ve needed to do something new for a long time. Instead of being in my head so much and trying [...]
I just heard some bad news. It was literally minutes ago while I was just on the phone with Jackie. While we were chatting a call came in from Brian Keith Voile’s mother. She could barely get the message out. Brian just passed on from this world. Yes, Brian was one of the best copywriters [...]
My experience with the French Foreign Legion, a Carmelite monastery and a $1,000 “underground” book…
Today’s message will be one you’ve never heard from any other entrepreneur or marketer on earth. One that could transform your life forever. In ways you never could have previously imagined. But first, I gotta tell ya this: I want you to gift you — 100% complimentary — an expensive book. One I previously sold [...]