Quick question:
Did you notice that I did a Ryan Levesque “Deep Dive” survey back in June?
(You do open my emails, don’t you? Gosh, I’d be hurt if you don’t.)
Anyhoo, the thing I most wanted to know was this:
What is the SMIQ (single most important question) the knights in my Marketing Camelot have swirling around their pretty little noggins?
And secondly, how difficult has it been to find the answer to that question.
Wanna know what the overwhelming #1 SMIQ was?
The thing more than 50% of the respondents mentioned?
Frankly I was shocked.
Even after double-checking the survey results three different times, I could hardly believe it.
And THAT s what I’m revealing in the October 2015 issue of The Doberman Dan Letter. It’s being prepared today to print and mail out to my cherished Knights of the Round Table tomorrow.
Why should YOU care about my ASK survey results?
Because the SMIQ answer I reveal in the October issue is the lesson almost EVERYBODY gets too late.
And when I say “too late” I mean when you’re old and too feeble, failing and faltering to do anything about it.
And you live out your days in regret, feeling as if your heart is made of lead.
Or if you’re lucky, you don’t realize it until the midnight hour on your deathbed. And you’re “lucky” because you only have to suffer a few days or hours in the agonizing pain of regret.
Yeah, this is really damn serious. And I pray to all things good and holy in this universe that you get the October issue before you piss away any MORE of your precious life than you already have.
Listen, I’m on a mission from God.
And I realize I’m probably not the messenger you wanted.
I’m not an angle strumming a harp or blowing a trumpet.
I’ve arrived without ANY pomp and circumstance.
And I sure as hell ain’t saying any of those eloquent words like “thus, thee, spoketh” and such.
I’m more like the Gunnery Sergeant Hartman of angels.
But only a fool discounts the message because of the messenger. God has even used an ass to speak to his peeples. (Some would say he’s using one right now.)
Look… it has taken me a half a century to “get” this life changing epiphany.
If only I’d understood this before, I could’ve had a helluva lot more fun the past 50 years… and made a HELLUVA lot more cashola.
I’m talking “buy your own frickin’ private island” cashola.
Yeah…. heavy stuff I’m revealing in this month’s issue of The Doberman Dan Letter.
But wait! There’s more…
(I used to love those old Ronco commercials.)
You’ll also discover a unique method you can use to figure out the best possible traffic sources for your offer.
Which should you use?
- Magazines and Journals
- Joint Ventures/Affiliates
- Publicity
- Linked In
- Radio and TV
- Bing
- Blogging and Guest Posting
- AdWords
- Social Media
- Wholesale Banners
- YouTube
- Direct Mail
- Solo Ads
- Facebook PPC
Well, I’ve got it all figured out for you.
In fact, I’m also giving you the “choose your best traffic sources” software.
I’ll be posting it soon on our knights-only website. It’s something you can use to help you select the best traffic sources based on your business, offer and personality type.
Look here, rookie… what I reveal in this issue is stuff you simply CANNOT be without.
That is, if you TRULY want to be successful.
If you knew what I knew… and all the other people living the life of their dreams… you should have practically dislocated your shoulder by now reaching for your mouse to click here and find out about the Marketing Camelot.
See ya soon at the Round Table.

All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S. Yeah, I know I said I wasn’t gonna say any of them there fancy kinda words you see in the bible.
But I WILL say this:
Pax vobiscum.